Standort: / Meldung: "Life-changing law for "mixed status" families in US"

Kate Farmer

Cutting to the chase

21. 11. 2014 - 14:09

Life-changing law for "mixed status" families in US

US immigration impact, Norwegian fjord toxic waste threat, Mexico protests, Ukraine 1st anniversary, Doron Rabinovici

US immigration reform

Analysis of last night's speech by President Obama outlining controversial immigration reforms from Jeffrey Passel, an immigration expert at the Pew Research Centre.

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Threat to Norwegian fjord

A pristine Norwegian fjord is under threat from toxic waste dumping.

Norway protests

Friends of the Earth

Norwegians have been out protesting against the planned toxic waste disposal from titanium mining

Lars Haltbrekken of Friends of the Earth gives his reaction to the plans, and explains why Nordic Mining have their calculations wrong.

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Mexico protests

Mexico has seen new mass demonstrations following the disappearance of 43 students, now believed to be dead. David Kriegleder gives his analysis of the situation.

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Ukraine one year on

Nick Thorpe reports from Kiev on the 1st anniversary of the "Maidan Protests" which led to the fall of the pro-Russian government of President Yanukovich.

Maidan anniversary


Flowers and candles have been placed in the Maidan Square to commemorate those who died in the protests,

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Doron Rabinovici

Ahead of tomorrow's Reality Check Special, we hear from Doron Rabinovici about his life and work.

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FM4 Reality Check

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