Erstellt am: 10. 11. 2014 - 13:53 Uhr
Ukraine: The ceasefire that never was.

When is a ceasefire not a ceasefire? One answer would appear to be; when it’s in East Ukraine. Over the weekend the rebel-held city of Donetsk experienced the most intense shelling in weeks while NATO and the government in Kiev are very concerned that Russia has resumed deliveries of arms to the pro-Russian separatists.
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Catalonia / Spain
The people of Catalonia voted on Sunday in a symbolic, non-binding referendum on independence from Spain. As expected some 80% of those who voted were in favour of independence but what was not expected perhaps, was the relatively low turn-out given the emotionally charged nature of the vote.
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A meeting of APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation) is currently taking place in Beijing and it seems that China is flexing its economic muscles promising to spend enormous sums of money in trade and investment: But what about China’s diplomatic credentials and the long-running territorial dispute with Japan?
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Barbara Zeidler
Ekaterina Degot
The 40,000 Euro Igor Zabel Award for Culture and Theory is given every two years by Austria’s Erste Foundation and Slovenia’s Igor Zabel Association. The Russian art historian, writer and curator Ekaterina Degot is the winner of this year’s award and she spoke to Reality Check about the challenges facing artists in Putin’s Russia.
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Skateboarding is not just a fun sport it can also be a way to reach young people who might otherwise have no access to an education. Skateistan is the name of a project taking place in Afghanistan and it celebrates its 5th anniversary this year.
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