Erstellt am: 30. 9. 2014 - 14:27 Uhr
What does Beijing think?

EPA/Alex Hofford
Protests in Hong Kong
Turbulent times in Hong Kong
Thousands of pro-democracy protesters continue to block the mains streets in Hong Kong, despite police efforts to disperse them by using tear gas.
On the Outside looking in
A citizen journalist makes his way to the edge of police surrounded Admiralty and Central, the heart of the recent protests in Hong Kong, speaking to people he sees on the same path.
What does Beijing think?
Tens of thousands of protesters continue to bring parts of the territory to a standstill. The crowds are expected to grow ahead of Chinese National Day on Wednesday.
Protests in Hong Kong
School children have joined the student protests in Hong Kong, demanding greater democracy for the territory. Journalist and Hong Kong citizen, Matthew Ho, explains why this is such a crucial issue.
Hong Kong
Tens of thousands of protesters continue to bring parts of the territory to a standstill. The crowds are expected to grow ahead of Chinese National Day on Wednesday. How will the Chinese authorities Beijing react?
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Johannes Hahn
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