Erstellt am: 15. 9. 2014 - 13:53 Uhr
Operations should start quickly: ideally tomorrow
Islamic State coalition talks

US Secretary of State, John Kerry, has won the support of over 40 countries during his coalition building tour. Now representatives of these countries are meeting in Paris today. The question now is, what can they achieve.
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Austria's struggle against jihadis
Thomas Schmidinger of the Netzwerk sozialer Zusammenhalt discusses measures within Austria to prevent the spread of radical Islam among young people.
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Sweden elections
Lars Bevanger reports from Stockholm on the results of the Swedish general election.
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Scottish independence
As the campaign enters its last days, Ian Swanson of the Edinburgh Evening News describes the frantic fight for the "don't knows".
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A Ukrainian doctor gives a personal view of the war
Oksana, a doctor from Kiev, recalls the Maidan and how the following events have affected her and her family and friends.
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