Standort: / Meldung: "US "has gone through 360°" on Syria"

Kate Farmer

Cutting to the chase

10. 9. 2014 - 13:55

US "has gone through 360°" on Syria

Reality Check: US comes full circle on Syria, World Suicide Prevention Day, UK party leaders head to Scotland, the new European Commission, Women in Games conference.

John Kerry


US secretary of State, John Kerry, is starting his coalition building trip in Iraq

Obama's strategy against the Islamic State

President Obama makes a speech tonight in which he is expected to outline his strategy against the Islamic State, including building a worldwide coalition to fight the group and arming Syrian rebels. James Boys gives his analysis of the development of the US policy on the Islamic State.

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World Suicide Prevention Day

Suicides are on the increase, with young people in their late teens and early twenties being at the greatest risk. The World Health Organisation is calling for more to be done on suicide prevention measures. Riem Higazi reports.

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Scottish Independence

Leaders from the UK's key political parties are campaigning in Scotland today, appealing to people to vote "NO" in next week's independence vote. Olly Barratt reports from London.

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European Women in Games Conference

Today, the European Women in Games Conference takes place in London. Conference organiser, Siobhan Thomas, explains the increasingly crucial role women are playing in the industry.

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Jean Claude Juncker


Juncker has laid out his choices for the posts in the new European Commission

EU commission top jobs

President-elect of the EU Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, will announced his 27 person team today including representatives from each of the EU states. Johannes Pollak of the Institute for Higher Studies looks at the key appointments.

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