Erstellt am: 26. 8. 2014 - 13:14 Uhr
Publicity coup, or political cop-out?
Spindelegger resigns
Yesterday, it was the French government, today the head of the ÖVP, Vice Chancellor and Finance Minister, Michael Spindelegger, has resigned from all his political offices.

Whatever else this apparently snap decision might achieve, it has certainly stolen the limelight from the SPÖ - but it raises a lot of questions as to where the ÖVP is going, and whether it can win back the electorate.
Melanie Sully gives her reaction the announcement and her analysis of what the ÖVP needs to do to get back to get back on course.
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Battling extremism in Syria and Libya
Rosemary Hollis examines the latest developments, including the US response to air strikes on Libya reportedly carried out by the UAE.
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