Standort: / Meldung: "When asylees become jihadis"

Kate Farmer

Cutting to the chase

21. 8. 2014 - 13:54

When asylees become jihadis

Reality Check: Austrian jihadis, Holder in Ferguson

Austrian jihadis

The seven people arrested yesterday on suspicion of planning to go to Syria to fight with the Islamic State have been revealed to by Chechens who have been granted asylum in Austria. Asylum lawyer, Clemens Lahner, explains the legal tools available to anti-terrorism officials in Austria.

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US Attorney General visits Ferguson

Eric holder

EPA/Pablo Martinez Monsivais

The White House hopes Eric Holder can calm the mood in Ferguson

US commentator Steven Hill gives his analysis of the handling of the Ferguson riots by the White House, and the importance of the recent events in the evolution of civil rights in the United States.

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