Standort: / Meldung: "The children who are giving Obama a headache"

Kate Farmer

Cutting to the chase

7. 8. 2014 - 13:03

The children who are giving Obama a headache

Reality Check: US immigration, happiness equation

US border crisis

Tens of thousands of children from Central America are in overcrowded detention centres in the US after walking over the border with Mexico. Illegal immigration over the border has always been a problem - but now it is taking on a new scale and dimension.

US immigration protests


Hispanic Americans are protesting in support of the immigrant children

Analyst Steven Hill explains why the problem is increasing, and why is it a political flashpoint ahead of November's mid-term congressional elections.

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The formula for happiness

A team of British scientists say they have discovered a mathematical formula for happiness.

happiness formula

creative commons

For the mathematicians - this is the formula for predicting happiness.

The study leader, Dr Robb Rutledge of University College, London, explains what they did, and why it's important.

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