Erstellt am: 1. 8. 2014 - 14:27 Uhr
Israel & Hamas Tunnels in Gaza
Israel, Hamas & Tunnels

EPA/Jack Guez
Israel and Hamas have began observing a three-day ceasefire in Gaza on Friday, but within hours it started unravelling.
On Thursday Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Israel would destroy Hamas’ terror tunnel network “with or without a ceasefire”.
We find out more about Israel’s tactics from Dr. Eado Hecht, an Israeli defence analyst who teaches military theory and military history at Bar-Ilan University, Haifa University and at the Israeli Defence Forces Command and General Staff College:
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Snowden’s Asylum Status
Edward Snowden’s temporary asylum status in Russia has expired. The former U.S. National Security Agency systems administrator who exposed US intelligence practices won the right to stay in Moscow a year ago.
What does this mean for the fugitive whistle-blower and what do we know about his daily existence in Russia? Our man in Moscow, Charles Maynes, fills us in on the latest:
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