Erstellt am: 10. 7. 2014 - 13:01 Uhr
How jihadists radicalise Europeans
Europe v. Terrorism

The government in Paris is concerned about the threat posed by French nationals who travel to Syria to fight in the civil war, and return home after having become “radicalised”. It’s proposing travel bans and other measures. Other EU countries are looking at similar measures. Just how do people become radicalised and how big is the threat? Charlie Cooper from the UK-based counter-extremism think tank Quilliam:
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Everyday Surveillance

dpa/Arno Burgi
Technology is so interwoven into our everyday lives – mobile phones, loyalty cards, security cameras in shops – that all sorts of organizations and institutions are gathering data about us all the time. A project called IRISS – Increasing Resilience in Surveillance Societies – investigated how easy it is for citizens to find out who is gathering what:
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