Standort: / Meldung: "The Caliphate: Bush and Blair's worst nightmare"

Kate Farmer

Cutting to the chase

30. 6. 2014 - 14:38

The Caliphate: Bush and Blair's worst nightmare

Reality Check: ISIS declares Islamic State, Facebook scandal.

ISIS declares Islamic State

ISIS says it is establishing an Islamic State, or Caliphate, in the lands it controls in Iraq and Syria, is proclaiming leader of ISIS, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, as the leader for Muslims everywhere.

Iraq troops


Iraqi government forces are still fighting, but have been unable to contain the Sunni militants who have now declared an Islamic State in the region under their control

It's exactly what Al Qaeda and co. have been wanting and, ironically, it's exactly what George W. Bush and Tony Blair hoped to avoid with the invasion of Iraq.

Anthony Glees gives his analysis of this latest dramatic development, which, he says, "is a very serious moment in international history."

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Facebook scandal

There is widespread outrage that Facebook conducted a psychology experiment on 700,000 of its users without their knowledge or consent, but is this something users have agreed to under Facebooks terms? Ralph Schroeder from the Oxford Internet Institute gives his reaction to the revelations.

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