Erstellt am: 17. 6. 2014 - 14:05 Uhr
Reality Check: Iraqi Kurds stand firm

Nearly 300 US forces are being sent back into Iraq to protect US assets in Baghdad. Meanwhile it’s unclear just how much cooperation there can be between Iran and the United States in helping the Iraqi government fight the insurgents of the militant Islamic group ISIS. Tony Cheng is our correspondent who’s just arrived in Erbil (Arbil), capital of the autonomous Kurdish region of Iraq. This part of the country has been relatively stable but it’s not clear how long it will remain so.
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Italy & refugess
Italy is warning that a naval operation to rescue migrants in the Mediterranean may have to be stopped unless the Italy gets more support from the EU. After several tragedies in which hundreds of migrants lost their lives, Italy introduced the Mare Nostrum project but now says it can no longer continue the patrols of the Libyan coast.
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Egypt: Al Jazeera journalists
An Egyptian court has said that it will deliver its judgement on June 23 in the case of three Al Jazeera journalists on trial for terrorist activities. The arrest of the journalists some five months ago caused a major outcry with human rights groups saying the case showed that the Egyptian authorities were trampling on freedom of expression.
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EU 40
The discussion over who will be the president of the European Commission is still going on and still continues to anger many voters who feel they’ve been cheated. The old establish parties have lost credibility with the European public. But did you know that 91 MEPs under the age of 40 were elected to the European Parliament last month? Some of those have come together to form a group within the parliament – but will they really do things differently.
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Bees am Bisamberg
Did you know that there are over 700 species of wild bee in Austria and over 350 of them can be found in Bisamberg, Lower Austria? Well it’s true and on a pleasant day trip you can walk a newly opened nature trail and find out a whole lot more.
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