Erstellt am: 21. 5. 2014 - 14:31 Uhr
Reality Check: Austrian prisoners like animals in a zoo?
Austrian prisons
There is a basic principle in civilized countries that a person is sent to prison as a punishment and not to be punished. Conditions in some Austrian prisons are however, giving cause for serious concern. Florian Klenk of Falter magazine has been investigating.
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Nigeria: Jos bomb blasts
The violence continues in the West African country. At least 118 people and dozens were wounded when two car bombs exploded in at a busy bus station. This latest atrocity happened in the city of Jos which lies directly on the dividing line between the predominantly Muslim north and the predominantly Christian south. But it is not simply a Muslim vs. Christian conflict as we found out from political analyst Michael Lüders.
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EU elections and the Euro-skeptics
EU parliamentary elections take place on Sunday in Austria. In the UK voting takes place tomorrow (Thursday). Euro-skepticism is high in the UK and there are of course various – mostly far-right – parties throughout Europe who what to make radical changes to the way the EU operates or dismantle it all together. What happens if, as expected, the Euro sceptics make big gains in the EU elections?
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APA/Andreas Nader
Politkovskaya murder verdict
A Moscow court today handed down guilty verdicts on five men accused of the 2006 murder of the investigative journalist and Putin critic Anna Politkovskaya. Three of the men had been acquitted at an earlier trial. Who was Anna Politkovskaya, what does this verdict mean and will be ever know who actually ordered the killing?
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Playgrounds for Mumbai
She has been described as the “architect of smiles” - Martina Spies has worked for some of the best known architect offices in India, Japan and Austria. Recently though she has turned her attention to creating mobile playgrounds for children living in underprivileged areas of cities such as Mumbai in India.
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