Standort: / Meldung: "The end of the world's biggest voting race"

Steve Crilley

God, what's happening in the world! A reality check on the web.

16. 5. 2014 - 17:44

The end of the world's biggest voting race

Reality Check & India's marathon election.

Indian Election

Opposition candidate Narendra Modi will be the country's next prime Minister. That's the culmination of India's massive five-week election. His pro-business Hindu nationalist BJP party headed for the most resounding election victory the country has seen in thirty years. BJP supporters are holding celebrations across the country.

So what does all of this mean for India and its relations with its neighbours in the region, in particular, Pakistan? We spoke with our correspondent Geeta Pandy in Delhi who's being following closely all the developments of this election:

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Vietnam & China

Protests in Vietnam targeting Chinese factories have turned deadly. Two Chinese people have reportedly been killed and dozens wounded. It all began with a dispute over China sinking an oil rig in an area of the South China Sea claimed by Vietnam. To get more background, Riem Higazi spoke with Tony Cheng, our south-east Asia correspondent:

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Cuts to Development Aid

Rupert Roniger from Licht für die Welt, who has just spent the night on the Ballhausplatz in Vienna to protest against cuts to development aid, tells us about helping children in Papua New Guinea with hearing impairments, an example of the work affected by the cuts:

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LICHT FÜR DIE WELT/APA-Fotoservice/Hautzinger

Rupert Roniger from Licht für die Welt (L) and Erwin Eder from Dreikönigsaktion der Katholischen Jungschar, about to spend the night on the Ballhausplatz.

Forgetting v. Knowing

Viktor Mayer-Schönberger, Professor of Internet Governance and Regulation at Oxford University and author of the award winning book 'Delete: The Virtue of Forgetting in the Digital Age’ explains how this week’s ruling by the European Court of Justice, requiring Google to take down certain links, would work, and examines the debate:

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