Erstellt am: 3. 4. 2014 - 16:04 Uhr
Reality Check: Is anyone asking Ukraine?

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A solution for Ukraine?
Austrian Foreign Minister, Sebastian Kurz, has come up with a four-point plan to solve the Ukraine crisis.
While it might look good on paper, would it be workable, and can there be any agreement at all while Russia still has troops on the Ukrainian border?
Masha Lipman from the Carnegie Moscow Centre gives her analysis of the plan and its chances of success, and points out that, at the end of the day, it's Ukraine itself that must decide its destiny.
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Opinion in the Urals
Our Moscow correspondent, Charles Maynes, has been to Russia's industrial heartland to measure public opinion on
President Putin's annexation of Crimea.

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The Philippines after Haiyan
Dr Andrea Wagner-Hager, Director of CARE Austria, describes her recent trip to the Philippines where people are still struggling to cope, 5 months after Typhoon Haiyan.
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Copernicus satellites
Christian Köberl, space expert at the University of Vienna, explains the ground-breaking role of the new Copernicus series of satellites, the first of which is being launched today.

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The end of Windows XP
After nearly 13 years, Microsoft is about to stop its technical support of the massively popular XP operating system. Christoph Weiss looks at the implications for users.
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FM4 Reality Check
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