Standort: / Meldung: "Reality Check: If it doesn't kill you, it's not torture"

Kate Farmer

Cutting to the chase

2. 4. 2014 - 14:20

Reality Check: If it doesn't kill you, it's not torture

CIA torture report, turkey election protests, Central African Republic, "wishy washy" EU politics, Cure Runners

CIA torture report

Dianne Feinstein


Dianne Feinstein, the head of the Senate Intelligence Committee, is putting the CIA under pressure

According to The Washington Post a report by the Senate Intelligence Committee says that the CIA misled the government and the American public over its use of torture and so called "enhanced interrogation" methods. It's reported that techniques such as "waterboarding" were applied AFTER information had been obtained, but were still not classified as torture.

Anthony Glees, director of the Centre for Security and Intelligence Studies in the UK explains the problems in defining torture, and gives his reaction to the revelations.

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Turkey election protests

Dorian Jones reports on increasing anger in Turkey as allegations of vote rigging in Sunday's local elections emerge.

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Catherine Samba-Panza


The interim President of the Central African Republic, Catherine Samba-Panza

Central African Republic

African and EU leaders meet today to discuss the continuing conflict in the C.A.R. Peter Boukaert of Human Rights Watch describes the situation on the ground.

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The costs of indecision in the EU

Why Euro-scepticism is on the rise across Europe, and why unpopular compromises are necessary.

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Cure Runners

The app. that trains people to manage money in the framework of a game.

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