Standort: / Meldung: "Japan three years on"

Kate Farmer

Cutting to the chase

11. 3. 2014 - 14:04

Japan three years on

Reality Check: Tsunami 3rd anniversary, rebels seize Libyan oil ports, seed sovereignty, Malaysian plane disappearance, earthquake lights

Tsunami anniversary


People pray for friends and family who died, but most Japanese have forgotten the tragedy

3rd anniversary of Japan's tsunami

Jörg Winter reports from Japan 3 years on from the devastating tsunami that set of catastrophic chain of events, including the Fukushima nuclear disaster.

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Rebels seize Libyan ports

Paul Rogers give his analysis of the stand-off between the Libyan government and rebels over a number of key Libyan ports.

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Should the EU allow seeds to be restricted?

Seed sovereignty

How proposed regulations on seeds in the EU could drastically reduce plant and crop diversity. Reinhard Uhrig of Global 2000 explains the issues and why they matter.

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The mystery of the Malaysia Airlines plane

Dr Simon Bennett, Director of the Civil Safety and Security Unit at Leicester University, explains why the disappearance of the Malaysian plane over the South China Sea is not as unprecedented as many are saying.

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earthquake lights

creative commons

Unusual lights and lightning have long been reported before earthquakes

The significance of earthquake lights

Troy Shinbrot, of the Biomedical Engineering Department at Rutgers University, discusses his work on earthquake lightning, and why his experiments with a bowl of flour could provide a key to predicting earthquakes.

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