Standort: / Meldung: "1 in 3 EU women are victims of violence"

Kate Farmer

Cutting to the chase

5. 3. 2014 - 14:43

1 in 3 EU women are victims of violence

Reality Check: Violence against women report, ETA to disarm, the streets of Kiev, Dead2Red, Beppe Grillo could face prison

Women and violence


1 in 3 women in the EU have suffered physical or sexual violence

Violence against women report

The EU Agency for Fundamental Rights releases its report on Violence Against Women. Joanna Goodey, head of the Freedoms and Justice Department of the Agency, talks to Riem Higazi about the findings.

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ETA to disarm?

Guy Hedgecoe reports from Madrid on the latest signs that the Basque separatist organisation, ETA, may be winding down its operations.

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creative commons

Just a few streets away from the protests, life carries on as normal in Kiev

On the streets of Kiev

Vladimir Putin's press conference yesterday made it sound as though Kiev is like the Wild West - but our correspondent in the city, Alex Kleimenov, says that everyday life in Kiev is exactly as normal.

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Highlighting the plight of Syrian refugees

Andrea Wagner Hager of Care discussed the continuing crisis facing Syrian refugees and the "Dead2Red" campaign to raise awareness of the situation.

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Beppe Grillo


Beppe Grillo could face 4 months in prison

The failing fortunes of Beppe Grillo

Internal fractures in his party, and now a prison sentence. Jo McKenna in Rome looks as the current status of Beppe Grillo and the 5 Star Movement.

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