Erstellt am: 18. 2. 2014 - 15:34 Uhr
Vienna hosts Iran nuclear talks

APA/Dragan Tatic
Iran talks start in Vienna
Talks between Iran and the US, Russia, China, France, UK and Germany, aimed at finding a long term agreement on Iran's nuclear programme opened this morning in Vienna. Bethany Bell reports from the talks, which are expected to continue for several months:
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Asylum "chaos" in Austria
Austria's new Federal office for Asylum and Foreigners is coming under heavy criticism because of the failure of its computer system.
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EPA/Graham Stuart
Scottish independence vote
Exactly 7 months ahead of the Scottish referendum on independence, Angus Robertson, who leads the independence campaign, puts forward the case for breaking from the UK.
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Pussy Riot Arrests in Sochi
2 members of Pussy Riot, who were released earlier this year after spending nearly 2 months in prison, are arrested in Sochi. Our reporter Charles Maynes has the latest:
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Mobile phones on planes
Should mobile phones conversations be allowed on planes? They are on some airlines, but members of the US Congress have approved a bill to ban them. Daniel Sokolov from looks at the debate:
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