Standort: / Meldung: "Wednesday's Reality Check"

Kate Farmer

Cutting to the chase

5. 2. 2014 - 14:26

Wednesday's Reality Check

Hypo Alpe report, Egyptian government dictates sermons, Afghan law facilitates violence against women, Libya destoys chemical weapons, brewing for gay rights

hypo alpe

APA-FOTO: Barbara Gindl

Insolvency would be the cheapest option

Hypo Alpe Adria report

Last November, the finance ministry commissioned the consulting company Oliver Wyman to do a study to calculate the risk and cost of possible scenarios concerning the Hypo Alpe Adria bank. That report was never published - but Robert Zikmund managed to get a copy, and reveals the findings - which do not reflect the government response to the crisis.

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Cairo mosque


Worshippers in all state moques will hear sermons on the same theme

Egypt government dictates Friday sermons

In an effort to silence political Islam, the Egyptian government is dictating the topic for the Friday sermons across Egypt.

Ajmal Masrour of the Islamic Society of Britain explains the significance of this intervention in religious practice for Muslims.

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Women's rights "not a priority" for Karzai

New Afghan law facilitates violence against women

Afghanistan has passed a law which band relatives of an accused person from testifying against them. This means men will be able to attack their wives, children and sisters without fear of prosecution.

Shashank Joshi gives his analysis of the new law and the Afghan position on women's rights.

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Libyan Minister Abdel-Aziz says all chemical weapons have been destroyed


Libyan Minister Abdel-Aziz says all chemical weapons have been destroyed

Libya has "destroyed all chemical weapons

Libya's foreign minister says the country's stockpiles of chemical weapons have been destroyed.

International Security expert, Paul Rogers, gives his analysis of the announcement and its importance.

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Hello my name is vladimir

Brew Dog

Hello, My Name is Vladimir

Brewing for gay rights

The British "Brew Dog" brewery that has found its own way of supporting the protests against homophobia in Russia.

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