Standort: / Meldung: "Tuesday's Reality Check"

Kate Farmer

Cutting to the chase

4. 2. 2014 - 14:53

Tuesday's Reality Check

Ukraine, Spain's changes to abortion law, world cancer report, Argentina's economic collapse, Facebook fallacies

Ukraine parliament


The Ukrainian parliament reconvenes today

Ukraine facing early elections?

Ukraine's parliament begins a new term today, and MPs are likely to call for constitutional changes to take power away from the president and pave the way for early elections to solve the current crisis.

Analyst Kataryna Wolczuk gives her views on the current situation.

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Femen protesters


Women from the "Femen" group stripped off to protest in Madrid

Spain proposes changes to abortion law

A proposed new law that would restrict abortion in Spain is sparking angry protests among women's groups.

Our Madrid correspondent, Guy Hedgecoe, explains why the changes were proposed and how the government is responding to the protests.

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Smoking is becoming a major problem in the developing world


Smoking is becoming a major problem in the developing world

World Cancer Report

A new global report predicts that the world is facing a "tidal wave" of cancer, and more must be done on prevention rather than cures. Andy Coghlan of New Scientist analyses the importance of the findings.

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Critics say Kirschner is unable to deal with the currency crisis

EPA/Adalberto Roque

Critics say Kirschner is unable to deal with the currency crisis

Argentina's currency collapse

South America analyst, Celia Szusterman, of the Institute for Statecraft, looks at the reasons behind Argentina's current economic crisis and how President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner might tackle it.

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The dark side of "the social network"

The Facebook fallacy

As Facebook marks its 10the anniversary, Internet psychologist, Graham Jones, explains why social media have become such a hub of misinformation.

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FM4 Reality Check

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