Standort: / Meldung: "Today's Webtip: The Super Bowl "

Dave Dempsey

Dave digs the Dirt, webtips, IT-memes and other online geekery. Also as Podcast.

31. 1. 2014 - 12:29

Today's Webtip: The Super Bowl

Explained as if it was a foreign event being reported on by an American journalist, and a video explanation for the rest of us.

So, despite the fact that American Football wouldn't come close to competing with Football in a global popularity list, the Super Bowl as an event seems to do quite well. It's been reported as being the second most watched sporting event after the World Cup.

Not bad for a sport not many people actually play.

Personally, I hate the sport. I hate what it does to our culture, our schools, and the tax payer. Being free of American Football is almost as much a benefit as living amongst people who understand the value of universal healthcare.

I other words, I'm one of the people this video wants to explain the rules of the game to.

A Guide To American Football from Fraser Davidson on Vimeo.

For an extra perspective on the game, I would heartily suggest reading an article on Slate. It's an attempt at reporting on U.S. events in the same way most U.S. reporters report on foreign ones. It's rather amusing.

If It Happened There: In Brutal Contest of Strength and Strategy, a Culture Is Revealed