Standort: / Meldung: "Iran, Syria and international leverage"

Kate Farmer

Cutting to the chase

20. 1. 2014 - 14:22

Iran, Syria and international leverage

Reality Check: Iran joins Syria talks as the deal to lift sanctions comes into effect, Ukraine protests, MiFID2, dramatic increase in rhino poaching in South Africa

Iran's big turnaround

Ban Ki Moon


Ban Ki Moon is facing criticism for inviting Iran to the Syria talks...

On the day that the economic sanctions on Iran for its nuclear programme are lifted, Iran has also been invited to join the Geneva talks on Syria. The invitation has been controversial, but the UN is convinced that support from Tehran will be essential to a successful outcome.

Middle East analyst, Rosemary Hollis looks at the significance of the latest developments for the Syria talks, and the seemingly insurmountable problems the path towards a peaceful solution faces.

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Iranians in Tehran


..while Iranians hope for a much needed economic boost as sanctions are lifted

Professor Hollis also considers the impact a solution to the nuclear crisis may have for President Rohani in his quest for support within the country, and for ordinary Iranians who have faced decades of economic hardship under the sanctions.

She also has a dismal warning of the message such a deal will deliver in the post Arab-spring Middle East, where the initial hopes for a quick transition to freedom and democracy have not been realized.

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Vitali Klitschko


Opposition leader, Vitali Klitschko, appealed for calm on the streets of Kiev

Ukraine protests

Our Kiev correspondent, David Stern, reports on the continuing protests and deteriorating situation in Ukraine as the authorities try to crack down on anti-government demonstrations.

Despite efforts by opposition leaders to get talks going with President Yanukovich, tensions seem to be escalating further, and the divide in the country is as deep as ever.

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Food speculation


The new EU rules aim to curb the speculation in food that fuels world hunger


Last week, the European Commission, together with the European Parliament, decided on new rules for investors and stock exchanges in the EU. This package is called this “Markets in Financial Instruments Directive” – or “MiFID 2”. Robert Zikmund explains rules and what they mean for financial security in the future.

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White rhino


Poached rhino horn trades for more than gold or cocaine

Record rhino poaching in South Africa

South Africa has announced that 2013 was the worst year ever for rhino poaching. In 2007, just 13 rhinos were illegally killed - in 2013 it was over a thousand. Steve Crilley finds out what is happening.

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