Standort: / Meldung: "Universal: Hot Canadian Moose Singles Want You!"

FM4 Universal

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21. 2. 2014 - 14:25

Universal: Hot Canadian Moose Singles Want You!

On this week's edition of FM4 Universal, we follow journalist brothers Michael Jagger and John Batman to the municipality of Moose Cock, where a long tradition of inter-species sexual escapades, keep people (and moose) warm in the arctic north.

In the arctic northern Canadian municipality of Moose Cock, a shortage of young hot singles has been leading local men to lusty inter-species fornication with moose, for several decades.

For this week's edition of FM4 Universal, we sent our reporter Michael Jagger (and his twin brother John Batman) to Moose Cock, to discover what is at the root of this long tradition of bestial erotic nandunking.

Elch im Wasser

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Episode 1: How do men come to such a drastic decision regarding their carnal lifestyle? Which flirting techniques have they used to attract female moose? What impact has this had on the human-on-human mating rituals?

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Episode 2: With nearly all available men busy spillunking with moose, many local human women have also been driven to bestiality, to satisfy their sexual needs. Some trailblazers tell us their stories.

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Moose Gustav in "Grönåsens Älgpark" Kosta, Sweden CC BY 2.5/ C.Schultz

CC BY 2.5/C.Schultz

CC BY 2.5 by C.Schultz

Episode 3: Hot and lusty man-on-moose fornication may be fun, but approached in the wrong way, it can also be very dangerous. One young fornicator named Rick Asseltine tells us his frightful story of sex gone bad.

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Episode 4: Not everyone in Moose Cock is into bestiality and Moose-sex. Many hot young singles, in the privacy of their own homes, secretly desire to mate with other human beings; unfortunately, according to local custom, sex between people is obscene and to be frowned upon.

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