Standort: / Meldung: "For Better or Worse?"

Joanna Bostock

Reading between the headlines.

14. 1. 2014 - 14:13

For Better or Worse?

Reality Check: Egypt's constitution vote; Hollande's private woes, China's one-child policy; Cambodia's textile workers.

Egypt's Referendum

Two days of voting on a new constitution began on Monday and a huge security operation is underway. The new constitution is designed to replace the one passed under President Mohammed Morsi before he was ousted by the army, but will it bring any resolution to the crisis? We put that question to our Middle East analyst Shashank Joshi.

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China's Children

Chinese director Zhang Yimou has been fined $1.2 million for violating the one-child policy (having three children in violation of China's strict one-child rules). But it comes at a time when China is relaxing these laws which date back some 30 years. So what are the current conditions for having more than one child? Jörg Winter in Beijing explains:

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Hollande's Private Life

French President Francois Hollande is holding his annual news conference on Tuesday afternoon. It is widely expected that he will face questions about his private life and allegations of an affair with an actress. Blaise Gauquelin explains how French politics and private lives have become entangled:

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Cambodia's Garment Workers

Trade Union officials in Cambodia have said garment workers would return to the streets on Tuesday to protest about low pay. Last week Cambodian garment workers ended a two week strike after authorities used deadly force to quell the protests. The strike almost crippled Cambodia’s garment industry, a sector which was worth 4.4 billion dollars in 2012 to the country. After police fired on protestors, four were killed. As we in the west look out for cheap clothes how much attention do we pay to the conditions for factory workers in places like Cambodia? Correspondent Kyle James in Phnom Penh reports on the latest protests and Michaela Königshofer from the Clean Clothes Campaign talks about what companies and consumers can do to improve the lives of these workers:

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