Standort: / Meldung: "Public Relations Moscow Style"

Joanna Bostock

Reading between the headlines.

20. 12. 2013 - 13:55

Public Relations Moscow Style

Reality Check: Khodorkovsky freed; responding to South Sudan's crisis; the EU & defence; 2013 - the acoustic edition.

Putin & Khodorkovsy

Mikhail Khodorkovsky in court in Moscow in 2010

EPA/Maxim Shipenkov

Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed a decree pardoning the jailed former tycoon Mikhail Khodorkovsky. What are the motivations behind freeing him and how is Khodorkovsky's political profile likely to develop now? Analysis from Gerhard Mangott at the University of Innsbruck:

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UN & Africa

With human rights groups calling for intervention to stop the bloodshed in South Sudan, which President Obama has described as on the verge of "civil war" what is the likelihood of an intervention? International security expert Shashank Joshi on the difficulties of responding to crises in Africa:

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EU & Defence

European Union leaders are holding their first summit in five years to focus on defence issues. Nato wants improved EU cooperation on defence, but is that likely? Vaness Mock reports from Brussels:

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Sounds of 2013

Can you remember what's been in the news this year? To remind you of some of the major events, Riem Higazi has prepared an acoustic journey through the major headlines of the past 12 months as Reality Check's final word before the Christmas break:

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FM4 Reality Check

Monday to Friday from 12.00 to 14.00, and after the show via Podcast or