Erstellt am: 13. 12. 2013 - 14:50 Uhr
A (very) fresh face in the cabinet

Sebastian Kurz is to take over as foreign minister in the new government - but is the 27 year old really able to represent the country on the international stage?
Political Scientist Reinhard Heinisch of Salzburg University looks at the challenges Kurz will face, and the place Austria now holds on the international stage.
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Winter and the Syrian war
As winter approaches, conditions are deteriorating for the hundreds of thousands of Syrian refugees living in temporary accommodation. What will winter mean for them, and for the fighters.
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EPA/Rodong Sinmun
North Korea executes senior official
The uncle of North Korean leader, Kim Jong Un, has been tried and executed for "acts of treachery" in an extraordinary show of force by leader, Kim Jong Un.
While it may send a strong message in the short term, it may not work in the leader's favour in the future.
Professor Rüdiger Frank from the University of Vienna explains why this latest development is so significant.
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Catalonia referendum
Spain says it will block Catalonia's plans to hold an referendum on independence in November next year.
Guy Hedgecoe reports from Madrid on the two sides and how it is likely to be resolved.
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Creative Commons
Nathaniel Rich
American novelist Nathaniel Rich has produced his first three successful novels - but it's taken him well over a decade.
Nathaniel talks to Chris Cummins about the realities of life as a writer.
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