Standort: / Meldung: "I Can Haz Government?"

Riem Higazi

Cultural mash-ups, political slip-ups, and other things that make me go hmmm.

12. 12. 2013 - 17:29

I Can Haz Government?

Reality Check: Austria has a new-ish government, Australia did a U-Turn when it comes to same-sex marriage, Ukraine pro-EU protests continue, violence continues in the Central African Republic, an update on Syria

 VK Michael Spindelegger (l.) und BK Werner Faymann während einer PK zur Koalitions zwischen SPÖ und ÖVP am Donnerstag, 12. Dezember 2013, in Wien


VK Michael Spindelegger and BK Werner Faymann as they present the new government during a press conference, 12. December 2013, in Vienna

After two months of negotiations, Austria's coalition parties have announced that they've reached agreement for a new government. The announcement was made by Chancellor Werner Faymann of the Social Democrats and ÖVP head Michael Spindelegger. Eric Frey from der Standard give us his assessment of what we know so far about the deal.

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Gay Marriage in the Land Down Under

Ivan Hinton and Chris Tench kiss during their marriage in Canberra, Australia, 07 December 2013


Ivan Hinton and Chris Tench kiss during their marriage in Canberra, Australia, 07 December 2013

Twenty-seven same-sex couples (and I can not WAIT for the time to be over when that same-sex/hetero/LGBT distinction has to be made) were jubilant when they became the first same-sex married folk in Australia over the past few days.
Now, Australia's highest court has overturned a law allowing gay marriage in the Australian Capital Territory.
Rodney Croome gave me some insight into this sudden U-Turn...

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The EU + Ukraine--It's Complicated

What's the relationship between the European Union and the opposition protesters in Kiev? How has Brussels treated Ukraine in the past and what's at stake in the current situation?

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The Central African Republic

The U.S. military will today begin flying Burundi forces into the Central African Republic to help stop the violence in the war-torn country.
Chris Cummins reports on the latest developments...

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Syria- the latest...

The United States and Britain have suspended deliveries to rebels in northern Syria of nonlethal aid such as communications equipment and laptops. The move reflects fears of the growing strength of al-Qaida-linked forces among the rebels in the civil war. Writer and commentator Rime Allaf gives us an update on the situation.

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