Erstellt am: 5. 12. 2013 - 15:04 Uhr
WTO: India says No
World trade talks
For more than a decade the World Trade Organisation has been trying reach a deal which would create unifed rules for its 159 member economies. Talks being held this week in Bali are being described by some as a "last chance" to finalise such a deal. Some say failure would spell the end of the WTO's relevance as a forum for negotiations.
Prospects for a breakthrough are slim, because India is refusing to compromise over its right to provide subsidised grain to its poor. Food security is a huge issue in India. We hear more from Alexandra Strickner from Attac:
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Americans' view of America's role in the world
A record proportion of US citizens think it's good for America to participate in the global economy, but should keep its nose out of other countries' business. An interview with Juliana Horowitz from the Pew Research Center in Washington DC.
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The "D" Word
If you are a teenager right now, or even a twenty or thirty or forty-something person, 2050 seems a long way off and dealing with the possibility of declining health, well, it’s not really a priority, is it? A World Health Organisation report is calling for health care plans around the globe to set a priority on an on-coming explosion of cases of old-age dementia: Riem Higazi reports:
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As teachers in Austria protest about planned changes to terms of employment, Gudrun Biffl looks at some of the other aspects of a teacher's working life which perhaps ought to be subject to reform:
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Windows Whizzkid
Marko Calasan is the world's youngest Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer. He qualified for that title 4 years ago when he was 9. Marko talks to Riem Higazi about his work, computers and what he would buy if he won the lottery:
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