Standort: / Meldung: "Ukraine's deep divide"

Kate Farmer

Cutting to the chase

2. 12. 2013 - 15:18

Ukraine's deep divide

Reality Check: Ukraine protests, Eurosur, Croatia bans same sex marriage, Tibet and the EU, citizen scientists.

Kiev protests


Protests in Kiev turned violent over the weekend

Pro-EU demonstrations continue in Ukraine over the weekend, and they are becoming increasingly violent.

A young protester describes the mood on the streets, and Andrew Wilson, the Senior Lecturer in Ukrainian Studies at University College, London, explains where this might go next.

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migrants in Lampedusa


Human Rights Watch is concerned that Eurosur will not sufficiently protect migrants


Europe's new border surveillance programme "Eurosur" goes into effect today, with the aim of coordinating surveillance operations in the EU's border states.

Frontex explains how it is expected to work, and Human Rights Watch explain their concerns.

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Croatia referendum


Croatians said "no" to same sex marriage

Croatia same-sex marriage ban

A referendum in Croatia has gone in favour of defining marriage as a union between a man and a woman. Regional correspondent, Nick Thorpe, explains the background and implications of this result.

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Tibetans say they just want autonomy, not an independent state


Tibetans say they just want autonomy, not an independent state

Tibet and the EU

Why EU countries could help solve the Tibet stalemate, if they had the political will. Dicki Chhoyang, from the exiled Central Tibetan Administration, talks to Chris Cummins about the issues and political goals her organisation now sees as most important.

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Citizen scientists

How anyone can join the team of scientists fighting poverty in the developing world at

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