Erstellt am: 29. 11. 2013 - 14:31 Uhr
Disarming Syria

Independent chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear weapons expert, John Eldridge, discusses the problems of disposing of Syria's chemical weapons.
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Akiko Mikamo
Surviving Hiroshima
Dr Akiko Mikamo talks about her family's miraculous survival of the nuclear bomb on Hiroshima and their journey in coming to terms with the devastation, described in her book "Rising from the Ashes".
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EU - Ukraine
Ukraine says it will not enter into a trade agreement with the EU - but Ukrainians want the door left open. Chris Cummins has been in Brussels finding out how the EU intends to draw closer to Kiev.
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The growing wealth gap
As more and more wealth is concentrated in the hands of fewer and fewer people, Michael Hartmann of the University of Darmstadt, discusses why wealth inequality threatens democracy.
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