Erstellt am: 25. 11. 2013 - 15:58 Uhr
What a deal!

The Iran Deal
What are the key points about this new agreement? And even though it’s a deal that just takes us through the next six months, how groundbreaking is it for the relationship the western world has with contrary voices in the Middle East?
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There’s a new draft law on protests that critics say will restrict the right to peaceful demonstration. The law would effectively ban any unsanctioned gatherings – either in public or in private – of 10 or more people. We'll get some thoughts directly from Cairo.
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Ukraine: A Tug of War
More than 100,000 were protesting in Kiev last night; some stayed in tents on the main square overnight, defying an order from the authorities. Protesters are angry at the government's decision not to sign a major trade and association deal with the EU. We’ll go to Kiev.
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Meanwhile, despite Kiev’s reluctance to get closer to the EU, it look looks like the Moldovan government will initial an EU agreement, despite Russian pressure. We look at another country caught between East and West.
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International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women
In Europe, one in four women is the victim of violence at some point in her life. Beate Wimmer-Puchunger is the Executive Director for Women's Health for the City of Vienna. She's also the organizer of an international conference being held in Vienna on the issue of violence against women. She tells us why it must be regarded as a health issue.
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