Erstellt am: 14. 11. 2013 - 17:31 Uhr
Fighting uphill battles
The Philippines

The aid effort is gathering pace but it is still difficult to get those vital supplies and help to those who need it. Many people are frustrated that things are moving so slowly. Filipinos are no strangers to typhoons but storms like Haiyan will always leave behind the kind of devastation that hampers the disaster response. We hear from Richard Gordon, Director of Bournemouth University's Disaster Management Centre. about some of the difficulties:
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Acid Oceans

The world's oceans are becoming more acidic at an "unprecedented rate". Scientists from the International Biosphere-Geosphere Program say many species - like the pteropod, or "sea butterfly" pictured here, are unlikely to survive in these conditions. The scientists will be presenting the evidence at the United Nations climate conference in Poland and we hear from Greepeace`s chief researcher David Santillo why it's so important:
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The Budget

After a long debate about how much money is - or isn't - in the federal purse, Chancellor Werner Faymann of the SPÖ and Vice-Chancellor Michael Spindelegger of the ÖVP say there is a shortfall of 18 billion euros. Riem Higazi spoke to political commentator Thomas Hofer about the long and short of money matters and coalition talks:
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EPA/Ron Sachs
The Affordable Healthcare Act is the first major overhaul of healthcare in the United States since the 1960s, but it's turning out to be a major headache for President Obama and the Democrats. Since the website went online at the begnning of October, fewer than 27,000 people in 36 states enrolled for health insurance. James Boys, fellow at King's College in London, explains:
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Porn and sex education

Alte Schmiede / Radio FM4
Is pornography simply sexual exploitation of women for the gratification of men? What forms and functions can it take outside of the mainstream and should it have a role to play in sex education? We speak with sex activist Laura Merritt, who is one of the panelists this evening at a discussion at the Alte Schmiede in Vienna:
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