Standort: / Meldung: "Every Voice Matters "

Joanna Bostock

Reading between the headlines.

6. 11. 2013 - 15:03

Every Voice Matters

Reality Check: Middle East - the peace talks, an online debating initiative and Palestinian filmmaker Shoufani; Greece and the Troika; the Open Source Economy.

Kerry in the Middle East

Palestinian security forces during a protest against peace negotiations


US Secretary of State, John Kerry, is meeting Israeli and Palestinian leaders in an attempt to get peace talks restarted. Matthew Kalman gives his assessment of his chances of success:

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Munathra Initiative

Belabbes Benkredda explains his Munathra Initiative - the online debating forum aimed at young people and minority groups in the Middle East and Arab world:

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Greece general strike

A general strike is being held across Greece today as the state of the economy continues to deteriorate and there is talk of even more austerity measures. Helena Smith reports from Athens:

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The Open Source Economy

Stefan Meretz discusses the different principles of the open source and the market economy:

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Hind Shoufani

Palestinian writer/filmmaker Hind Shoufani talks about her life and work:

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