Erstellt am: 28. 10. 2013 - 17:23 Uhr
David Murobi R.I.P.
Am Wochenende erreichte uns die Nachricht, dass David Murobi gestorben ist.
![© daniel eberharter](../../v2static/storyimages/site/fm4/20131044/davidmurobi_danieleberharter_01_vice_670_body_small.jpg)
daniel eberharter
Wer seit 2006 in Wien ein Konzert einer österreichischen Band besucht hat, ist David im rhiz oder fluc begegnet. Besser: Von ihm überholt worden. David auf dem Weg in die erste Reihe. Auf leisen Sohlen, denn David war zurückhaltend, respektvoll und was die Musik und Livefotografie betrifft: leidenschaftlich und wie man sich nach einer langen Konzertnacht auf seiner Website überzeugen konnte: Unglaublich gut. Er hat immer im richtigen Moment auf den Auslöser gedrückt. Er hinterlässt eine große Lücke. Unser herzliches Beileid gilt seinen FreundInnen und seiner Familie. Wir trauern.
Anna Kohlweis aka Squalloscope hat über David Murobi heute folgende Zeilen geschrieben:
![© David Murobi Squalloscope](../../v2static/storyimages/site/fm4/20131044/squalloscope-jpg.jpg)
David Murobi
he documented my vienna gigs almost right from the beginning. i can see myself grow in his photographs and even on the not-so-good nights, when i felt self conscious, when i felt tired or sad, he would be there, in the first row, taking photographs that were beautiful and intimate and that sometimes showed exactly what i was feeling inside. there were nights when i didn’t feel like playing, but when he showed up, things got a little better. he was gentle, he was friendly, and he was one of the most intelligent and witty people i ever had the pleasure of meeting. he made fireworks of written words in the ridiculous online conversations we had.
in all the incredible pain that he left people in that knew him and respected him and his work, i do try to respect his decision. it was his life. it is his death.
it’s our job now to keep living and keep making these good things that he documented throughout the years. i hope i’ll never stop looking for his face in the first row of every concert.
or anywhere, really.