Standort: / Meldung: "Tattoo Removal is a First Step"

Riem Higazi

Cultural mash-ups, political slip-ups, and other things that make me go hmmm.

23. 10. 2013 - 16:00

Tattoo Removal is a First Step

Reality Check: The 'Objekt 21 trial' regarding neo-nazi activity starts in Upper Austria, the far-right Greek party Golden Dawn loses state funding, Team Stronach loses Monika Lindner, some good news for biodiversity, and a campaign that will restore your faith in humanity - "Emergency Smile"

Objekt 21 on Trial

Subscribe to the Reality Check podcast and get the whole programme after the show.

"Wiederbetätigung." Translated, it means "to do again" but the wider connotation of the German word, in Austria certainly since after the Second World War, involves the offence of reviving Nazi ideology.

Zwei der sieben Angeklagten des rechtsextremen Netzwerks "Objekt 21" aus dem Bezirk Vöcklabruck  im Landesgericht Wels


Two of the seven accused of neo nazi activities and various other crimes, Landesgericht Wels

Seven people are, as of today, standing trial in Wels, Upper Austria, accused of neo-nazi activities and other crimes. They were members of what has been described as Austria's most dangerous band of neo-nazis since 1945, "Objekt 21".
Robert Eiter, the spokesperson for the Upper Austrian network against racism and right wing extremism, gave us his insight...

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Tattoos Gone, Golden Dawn Done?

tattoo removal


To be clear: this man is getting a tattoo removed...not a Golden Dawn tattoo.

Despite the serene look on the face of the man getting a tattoo removal in the picture above, getting your tatts lasered off is a lengthy and painful and expensive process.
For an increasing number of Greeks, the pain and the cost and the amount of time needed is secondary to ridding themselves of any symbolism associated with Greece's far-right political party Golden Dawn.
In fact, Golden Dawn is experiencing the opposite of a popularity surge on lots of different levels. Katharine Sarikakis from the University of Vienna, explains...

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The Team Stronach Saga Continues...

...and in this latest chapter, we see Monika Lindner, ex-General Director of the ORF and on Stronach's official 'Liste', go rogue! Political analyst Thomas Hofer fleshes the story out...

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84 Fish, 58 Amphibians, 22 Reptiles, 18 Birds and One Mammal

A hummingbird (Amazilia viridicauda), in the Vilcanota river valley near the archaeological complex of Machu Picchu, Peru


A hummingbird (Amazilia viridicauda), in the Vilcanota river valley near the archaeological complex of Machu Picchu, Peru

That's what the WWF has declared, as in, NEW SPECIES FOUND IN THE AMAZON. The mammal? A monkey that purrs like a cat. The other critters are equally fascinating. Damian Fleming, the WWF Head of Programmes for Brazil and the Amazon, knows.

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In other uplifting news...

The wonderful Red Noses Clowndoctors have a new initiative and yet another way to bring joy where it is most needed.

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