Erstellt am: 27. 8. 2013 - 14:21 Uhr
A question of when, not if?
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There are signs that the US and other governments are preparing for a possible military strike on Syria.

Secretary of State John Kerry delivered some strong language last night, pointing the finger at President Bashar Al Assad over last week's alleged chemical attack.
So what would a military response look like? Joanna Bostock spoke to Dr Rodger Shanahan, a fellow with the Lowy Institute for International Policy in Sydney, Australia:
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India's lower house of parliament has passed a new law which aims to provide subsidised food to two thirds of the population.
The plan, known as the Food Security Bill, still needs to be approved by the upper house.
But if it goes ahead, 800 million poor people will receive 5 kilogrammes of cheap grain every month.
So how much of a difference will this make to poorer families? More from our correspondent in India, Geeta Pandey:
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