Standort: / Meldung: "Permanent Divide?"

Riem Higazi

Cultural mash-ups, political slip-ups, and other things that make me go hmmm.

12. 8. 2013 - 13:41

Permanent Divide?

Reality Check: the Egyptian police are expected to start taking action today against supporters of ousted President Mohamed Morsi, Israel makes a move intended as a goodwill gesture to Palestinians ahead of peace talks

A huge placard depicting Egyptian army chief Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi is seen in Cairo, Egypt


A huge placard depicting Egyptian army chief Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi is seen in Cairo, Egypt

Wooden and Concrete Barriers

FM4 Reality Check

Monday to Friday from 12.00 to 14.00, and after the show via Podcast or

Not everyone in Egypt trusts army chief General Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, who toppled Morsi, and has come under pressure from hardline military officers to move against the pro-Morsi protesters. The Egyptians insisting on the re-instatement of Morsi, have set up camps across Cairo and around those camps, they have set up makeshift wooden and concrete barrieres. They are expecting heavy-handed force from the army today. Shashank Joshi, FM4's Middle East analyst, gave us his take on the latest developments in Egypt:

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Prisoners, Settlements, Peace Talks

 Israeli housing minister Uri Ariel speaks  in the new housing project in Armon Hanatziv neighborhood in southern East Jerusalem, near the Palestinian neighborhood of Jabel Mukaber


Israeli housing minister Uri Ariel speaks in the new housing project in Armon Hanatziv neighborhood in southern East Jerusalem, near the Palestinian neighborhood of Jabel Mukaber

An Israeli ministerial committee has approved a list of 26 veteran Palestinian prisoners who will be set free tomorrow as a goodwill gesture to Palestinians. This comes ahead of the opening of substantive peace talks in Jerusalem on Wednesday but the gesture of goodwill is being eyed suspiciously.
In an effort to placate right-wing ministers, Israel yesterday announced final approval of almost 1,200 new homes in West Bank settlements and Jewish neighbourhoods in east Jerusalem.
Irris Makler is our correspondent in Jerusalem and she gave us some insight into the latest developments in Israel:

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