Erstellt am: 29. 7. 2013 - 13:35 Uhr
Politics and paradoxes in the asylum laws
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Eight Pakistani asylum seekers are due to be deported later today, and Interior Minister, Johanna Mikl-Leitner, is coming under increasing criticism, especially from Caritas and the Greens.

APA/Hans Punz
Cardinal Schönborn says the deportations are politically movitated and timed to coincide with his visit to Brazil with the Pope, so that he would not be in Vienna to intervene.
However, asylum law expert, Georg Bürstmayr, says that the problem is not so much a matter of party politicy, but rather that the legal system does not react quickly enough to political and social changes in other countries.
At present, we have the apparently paradoxical situation that the Interior Ministry considers Pakistan safe enough to send the asylum seekers back, but the Foreign Ministry considers it unstable and dangerous enough to warn people not to travel there.
In today's Reality Check, Georg Bürstmayr explains this apparent contradiction, and the need for the legal process to react more quickly to changes in other parts of the world.
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