Erstellt am: 25. 7. 2013 - 15:59 Uhr
Blessing or curse?
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Brazil's Belo Monte Dam
As Pope Francis continues his tour of Brazil, environmentalists are hoping he’ll draw attention to the building of controversial Belo Monte hydro-electric dam complex.

Officials say it's a much-needed energy project, but there are plenty critics who are worried about its impact on the indigenous groups living in the region, as well as on the wildlife in one of the most biologically diverse forest habitats on Earth. Thomas Seifert, Deputy Editor in Chief of the Wiener Zeitung has just come back from a trip to Brazil to visit the region affected by the project:
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Spain's worst train accident in 40 years
Nearly 80 people were killed and more than 140 injured when a train travelling from Madrid to Ferrol came off the rails to Santiago de Compostela. Our correspondent in Spain, Guy Hedgecoe, tells us the latest:
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