Erstellt am: 17. 7. 2013 - 14:13 Uhr
"Worst since Rwanda"
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With all the turmoil in Turkey and then Egypt over the last couple of months, Syria has somewhat dropped off the news radar. It's become one of those "more of the same" stories where, awful as it is, there is little new to say.
However, Syria has shot to the top of the news agenda again today, with the statement from the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Antonio Guterres, that the refugee crisis is now the worst since Rwanda, 20 years ago.
We've been hearing about the refugee situation throughout the Syrian conflict, but what has escaped attention is how dramatically it has escalated over the last 6 months or so.

MSF/Katharina Resch
Katarina Resch is an Austrian doctor with Ärtze ohne Grenzen who has just returned from a refugee camp in Iraq. She told Joanna Bostock how the situation changed during her posting there.
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