Standort: / Meldung: "The coup that wasn't"

Kate Farmer

Cutting to the chase

11. 7. 2013 - 12:58

The coup that wasn't

Reality Check: Egypt-US relations, John Mateer - poet and writer

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The US is redefining a "coup" when it comes to Egypt. If the removal of democratically elected leader, Mohammed Morsi, from office by the military may look like a coup under most people's definititions, it falls into another category for the White House.



The US will deliver a consignment of F16 fighters to Egypt despite the political unrest

US law would prohibit the provision of arms and aid to a country that had undergone a "coup" - but nevertheless, the next installment of F16 fighter jets will be delivered to Cairo in the next few weeks.

Our military analyst, Paul Rogers, explains why the US is taking this extraordinary line, and the implications for the political turmoil that shows no signs of quietening down in Egypt.

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John Mateer

The South African-born Australian poet and author John Mateer talks to Elizabeth Alcock about why Portugal holds a special fascination for him. He is reading this evening at the Shakespeare and Co bookshop.

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