Standort: / Meldung: "Tighter rules on drone use?"

Joanna Bostock

Reading between the headlines.

24. 5. 2013 - 15:35

Tighter rules on drone use?

Reality Check: Obama on drone policy & Gitmo; London Attacks; Doctors Without Borders in Syria; Carnism.

Obama & Drones


On Thursday, Barack Obama addressed two controversial counterterrorism issues. While the US President defended drone strikes as a way to take down terrorists, he emphasized the need to enact new policies and guidelines to reduce civilian casualties. Obama also reiterated his plan to close the military prison at Guantanamo Bay, despite opposition from congress. Political historian James D. Boys analyzes the president’s latest speech and gives us his reaction:

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London Attacks

Social Media analyst Charlie Beckett from the LSE looks at how the Woolwich terror attacks raises questions about media exposure for lone wolf terrorists. Beckett explains the positive and negative effects of widespread media distribution in these types of situations. Olly Barratt reports on the latest developments, including emerging details of the attackers’ backgrounds and the mood among the Muslim community in the UK:

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Doctors Without Borders in Syria

Reinhard Dörflinger, President of Doctors Without Borders in Austria, says that the conflict in Syria has led to intentional attacks on Syrian hospitals. He tells us how the doctors there are adapting to the civil war’s harsh effects and the importance of providing for everyone in need, regardless of their political beliefs.

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Why do most people eat pigs but refuse to eat dogs? These meat eating habits are known as carnism, according to Dr. Melanie Joy, an author and professor of psychology and sociology at the University of Massachusetts, Boston. She tells Kate Farmer how society has been conditioned to only eating certain types of animals.

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