Erstellt am: 15. 5. 2013 - 14:46 Uhr
Atrocity one-upmanship in Syria
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A video apparently showing a Syrian rebel leader cutting out the heart of a government soldier and biting into it has been met with outrage and revulsion around the world. The tragedy is, for close observers of Syria, it is nothing new. It just just the latest episode in a war or of horrors playing out on both sides of the civil war.

Although there has been a tendency in the West to consider the rebels to be the "good guys" and the government the "bad guys" in Syria, both sides have been engaged not only in physical combat, but also in a war of rhetoric and atrocities for a long time. Each side is trying to "out horror" the other.
As if that were not disturbing enough, there is a new dimension emerging in the conflict - that of a sectarian divide. Until now, the war has been largely political, but in recent months a sectarian edge has emerged that is causing even more alarm among observers and analysts. The rebel leader in the video called for the killing of all Allawites. Just a few weeks ago, a government officer was reported calling for the "cleansing" of a city.
Analyst Rime Allaf explains the complex relationship between the different groups, and why the moment for intervention may have already passed.
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