Standort: / Meldung: "Angelina Jolie and the realities of breast cancer"

Kate Farmer

Cutting to the chase

14. 5. 2013 - 15:38

Angelina Jolie and the realities of breast cancer

Reality Check: breast cancer screening, Colombia's indigenous people and the war, the rise of Austria's Green party, drug trial scandal in Germany, Equatorial Guinea

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Angelina Jolie decided to have a double mastectomy after discovering she carries a gene which gives her a very high chance of developing breast cancer.

Angelina Jolie


Women who have this gene, say doctors, have up to an 87 percent chance of getting breast cancer by the age of 70. However, not all women who get breast cancer have this particular gene. Professor Michael Gnant, the director of the Breast Health Centre in Vienna's AKH, talks to Joanna Bostock about the risks and the options available.

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Colombia's indigenous people

As Colombians take to the streets in support of peace talks between the government and FARC rebels, but the group of people who will benefit most from a deal are the indigenous people of Colombia. Hilfswerk Austria has a number of projects in Colombia, and program director Fredy Rivera Arbolena tells Chris Cummins about the problem the indigenous people face in their home territories.

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Turning Green

 ÖVP Günther Platter und Grüne-Chefin Ingrid Felipe

APA/Thomas Böhm

Greens leader in Tirol, Ingrid Felipe and ÖVP leader Günther Platter reach a coalition agreement in latest boost for the Green Party.

Thomas Hofer looks at the increasing popularity of the Greens in the recent regional elections, and the implications for the Greens at national level.

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Drug scandal in Germany

50.000 hospital patients in the former DDR were given experimental medicines without their consent as a part of drug trials by West German drug companies. Our Berlin correspondent, Peter Fritz, looks at why this was done and its implications.

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Equatorial Guinea

An insight into the society and social issues in Equatorial Guinea.

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