Standort: / Meldung: "Could Turkey hold the key to Syria?"

Kate Farmer

Cutting to the chase

10. 5. 2013 - 14:42

Could Turkey hold the key to Syria?

Reality Check: Turkey calls for action against Syria, Syrian refugees in Lebanon, Pakistan election preview, hostage release

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Turkey is calling on the US to take action against Syria, and says it would support a "no-fly zone". Prime Minster, Tayyip Erdogan, says the regime has used chemical weapons against civilians and the "red line" has been crossed long ago.

Typhoon bomber

British Min of Defence

Military experts say it could take up to 100 planes to knock out Syria's sophisticated anti-aircraft systems before a no-fly zone could be imposed.

Paul Bever looks at the political and practical issues of imposing a "no fly zone".

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Syrian refugees in Lebanon

Stefan Maier from Caritas in Lebanon describes the plight of the Syrian refugees there as a part of FM4's Nachbar in Not appeal.

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Security in Pakistan

As Pakistanis head to the polls tomorrow, Shaun Gregory of the Pakistan Security Research Unit looks at the the influence militant groups are having on the election....

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... and how the threat of violence is likely to affect how many people turn out to vote.

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Hostage release in Yemen

As 3 hostages, one Austrian and a couple from Finland, are released from Yemen, Alisdair Crooke of the Conflicts Forum looks at the process of negotiation that goes on behind the scenes in such cases of hostage taking.

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