Erstellt am: 26. 4. 2013 - 14:11 Uhr
Syria and the "red line"
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The US says there is evidence that the chemical weapon sarin has been used by the Syrian government.

If this is the case, this would cross the "red line" the White House has defined for intervention in the 2 year long civil war.
However, it is unclear exactly where and how the sarin samples were found, also who might have used them.
Shashank Joshi looks at the announcement and its implications.
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Russia implements new NGO law
Golos has become the first NGO based in Russia to be fined under the controversial new laws which ban such organisations from receiving funds from abroad unless they are registered "foreign agents".
The "funds" Golos had received were, in fact, a prize for their work, awarded by the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights, and Golos had refused to accept the cash element.
The court's verdict has come as a heavy blow to the election monitoring group, and is serving as a warning to other NGOs
that the NGO law will be used, and penalties will be harsh.
Charles Maynes reports from Moscow and meets the deputy Secretary General of the Helsinki Committee who was a witness in the trial.
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- Living with disabilities in Ethiopia
Shitaye Astawes is with the “Ethiopian Center for Disability and development” in Addis Ababa. She herself has a condition which means she is confined to a wheelchair. She tells Joanna Bostock about her work to support people with disabilities in her country through the Ethiopian Center for Disability and Development.
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FM4 Reality Check
Monday to Friday from 12.00 to 14.00, and after the show via Podcast or