Erstellt am: 22. 11. 2012 - 14:23 Uhr
Today's Webtip: DIY Ding Dongs
Christian Lehner can give you some context to go with your Hostess. He's got the background and roundup all laid out for you.
Talk about bad timing. Mere weeks after more states decided to ease up on the War Against Stoners, one of the best ways to satisfy the munchies might disappear from late night convenience stores, forever.
But for those of you have have never tasted (or even heard of) the epic blobs of baked stuff, and for baked bakers everywhere, help is on the way. Loads of sites have been busy deconstructing the devils cake deserts, and it's pretty easy to make most of them. You might need to learn how to make a marshmallow cream recipe, but that's just an added bonus. Marshmallow cream makes everything better.
Twinkies? For, me, it's all about the Ding Dongs and the Sno Balls.
The best thing about making these things here, is that you probably won't know how different they taste from the chemical collection that is is usually consumed in the U.S.
So get thee to a supermarkt, and start exploring the world of devils-food, marshmallow cream, and chocolate ganache. It's a worthy addition to the spongecake stuff you already know.