Erstellt am: 3. 11. 2012 - 14:21 Uhr
Today's Webtip: Alternatives?
We have been inundated with coverage of the U.S. presidential election for the last year. Most of it has sucked.
Following that coverage could easily convince anyone who holds ideas outside of the narrow range of the Democrat-Republican spectrum that they could just as well stay home this coming Tuesday. There are some alternatives though, you just have to be able to find them.
Al Jazeera and Russia Today have probably provided the most coverage to these things.
Al Jazeera has a spotlight on the most succesful third party candidates and have cooperated with Russia Today to broadcast the debate between these candidates. It seems to have been a flagship event for, an online video platform financed by a Mexican megabillionaire Carlos Slim.
Tinfoil hat types and cynics might find that amusing and/or alarming.
Anyone wondering about just how alternative parties fit in to the presidential election system in the U.S. should really check out Wikipedia. The article on 2012 third party presidential candidates gives a decent overview of the long list of parties who have people running, with links to article describing their parties.
It's really pretty depressing.