Standort: / Meldung: "The "Michelle Factor""

Kate Farmer

Cutting to the chase

5. 9. 2012 - 13:19

The "Michelle Factor"

Reality Check: Michelle Obama launches the Democratic National Convention, shooting at Quebec political rally

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Four years ago, Michelle Obama was proving to be a questionable asset for the Democratic campaign. While certainly a highly intelligent woman, and a formidable debater, she did not fit the mould of the typical First Lady. For a start, there was her career. As an extremely successful, Harvard trained lawyer, she was actually better paid than her husband, who had focused his energies on social campaigns. Then there was her reluctance to join the DC set. There was even talk that she would stay in Chicago with the children, and Barack would commute to Washington DC.

Four years and some careful styling later, Michelle Obama's outstanding talents and energies have been channeled into projects that have allowed her to excel, without out-shining her husband. Her speech to the Democratic National Convention last night made it abundantly clear, Michelle is now not only an assett, but a leading light in setting the tone for the coming weeks of campaigning.

Michelle Obama's speech to the Democratic National Convention goes down a storm, and highlights how she has developed into a serious political force, without ever being overtly political.

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Shooting at Quebec separatist rally

Parti Quebecois leader, Pauline Marois, was giving a victory speech following elections in Montreal when a gunman broke into the rally and opened fire, killing one man and injuring another. Daniel Sokolov tells Riem Higazi what is known about the incident.

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